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Online Bouncer Training - Open 24/7

Our online bouncer training courses are open 24/7. You can take our course from the comfort of your home.


We have trained over 5000 bouncers, in hours guards, alcohol servers, managers and owners to understand their potential liabilities, their legal standards and the importance of having policies, training programs and report writing methods.

Some of the companies we've worked with include:

Read what others are saying about our training:

"This service has great information, and is convenient for a busy bar staff to finish in their off time. It is very helpful and reassuring to have a full staff with this certificate. Even the managers are certified through this program at Sycamore Den, and recommended to all bars / restaurants."

Eric Johnson — Sycamore Den

"This training and this material are exactly what the nightclub and bar industry needs."

Martha Jenkins — In House Legal Council, Alcoholic Beverage Regulatory Agency, Washington, DC

"Roberts knowledge and ability to see hidden liability issues is great. Using his training programs has changed our operations."

Mike Gordon — Chilkoot Charlies, Anchorage Alaska

"After reviewing Roberts training programs we are totally convinced the programs can save our clients thousands of dollars and will absolutely reduce liability claims."

Pike Barbor — Hospitality Insurance Agency, Florida

"We've been using Roberts training since 1998. The training has helped our clubs lower the incidents of violence and calls to the police. Our guards totally understand the limits they must work under"

Peter Luster — Déjà Vu Gentleman's Clubs, Southern California

"The training Robert provides should be the industry standard for all bars or clubs."

Glen Smith — California Girls Gentleman's Clubs, Anaheim

"Wow, this training and the information Robert provides was a real eye opener. My staff can make immediate changes for the better."

Sasha Ebady — The Third Edition, Washington, DC

"Our company strives to be the best. Partnering with Roberts company helps us maintain our high standards."

Eric Lingenfelder mdash; The Verant Group, California and Arizona

"We have other options for training. We decided to offer only Roberts security training programs to our members. Our board knows our members are being offered the best bar or club security training in the country."

Stephen Zollezi — Food and Beverage Association of San Diego County

"I only call one person when I need direction regarding any issue surrounding use of force, underage persons or security training; Robert C Smith."

Mark Mindigo — Henry's Pub, San Diego

"We had many options when we searched for a company to train over 100 employees from California. After checking the qualifications of Robert, we selected his company, Nightclub Security Consultants."

Tim McAnlis — Spearmint Rhino Companies Worldwide, Norco California

"The training and insight Robert brings to our staff is second to none."

Ryan Dickert — Typhoon Saloon, San Diego

"I know the nightclub industry but after taking this training, I have to admit there are things I didn't know."

Robert McEntire — Avalon Hollywood, California

"Wonderful industry insight and training our industry truly needs."

Angelina Spencer — Association of Club Executives

"We have a very high end venue and a high end clientele. We use Roberts training programs because can't afford to use anything less than the best."

Sean Mattix — San Diego Marriott Gaslamp, San Diego

"We had Robert come work with our staff for a weekend. The training and guidance he provided was priceless."

Tami Stearns — Jackson's Bistro, Tampa Florida

"Using Roberts training was an absolute no brainer."

Curtis Wong — The Park Ultra Lounge, Sacramento, California