Scottsdale, AZ Bar Proposal

Another city has grouped together the police, fire officials and politicians to find solutions to a problem that every city faces; Increased Alcohol Fueled Violence.

The problem of increased club and bar violence is very real and one that can be solved. However, creating a working group with other involved stakeholders may have worked out better for EVERYONE.

The typical response from regulators is to regulate; giving tickets, mandating fines, jail time, liquor license suspensions and closing doors. The problem with violence in and around bars and clubs is that it becomes taxing for city’s that are struggling to stay afloat in regards to spending. Too many cops addressing the late night problems can become expensive.

Then, after one more stabbing, the authorities have all the power they need to meet with politicians behind closed doors and then force feed bars and club owners the solution. Not that this happened in Scottsdale but it seems pretty close.

California had and still has the same issue regarding the increase in violence in and around bars and clubs. One step in the right direction was to form a committee of all involved stakeholders. This committee was comprised of representatives from bars & clubs, law enforcement agents, professional trainers, state regulators, hospitality industry employees and more. They all came together to discuss the training of in house security guards or Bouncers.

Again, this was just one step to address the very large statewide issue with violence in and around clubs and bars. There may be other possible solutions to address the issue, but they must be collaborative efforts by ALL stakeholders worried about creating a safer nightlife for everyone.

To read one Arizona new story on this issue, CLICK HERE. To read the City of Scottsdale’s proposed bar and club regulations proposal CLICK HERE.